Top Factors That Influence The Cost Of Key Duplication

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Locking Up Your Home

For quite some time, I was struggling with home security. I was really nervous about robberies, especially since there were quite a few burglaries in the area. I wanted to make some changes that day that would help, so I turned to a lock, keys, and safes company. I chatted with them about how to make my home even more safe, and they had great tips for making things better. Within a few weeks, our entire place was rock solid from a security standpoint, and I was so pleased to sleep well at night without any problems. Read more on this blog about locks, keys, safes, and home security.


Top Factors That Influence The Cost Of Key Duplication

15 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

How much does key duplication cost? Whether it's your car keys or the keys to your home or business, the cost of key duplication isn't set in stone and depends on several factors. Your local locksmith can give you more insights on pricing.

Here are some top primary factors that will affect the cost of replicating your keys.

1. Choice of Service Provider

You should research the best service to handle your key duplication. For example, a skilled locksmith will have a large selection of key blanks and the skills to ensure the job gets done right. That being said, the service costs will vary from one locksmith to the next, so you may want to contact several locksmiths in your area for a quote on the cost of duplicating your keys.

2. Type of Key

The type or model of your key will determine the type of key blank required for the duplication process. Hence, some key blanks cost a little more than others. 

For example, luxury cars and older car models have some features on their car keys that may not be present on traditional car key models. In this case, it's easy to see why duplicating such keys would require special blank keys, which can cost more than basic car keys. Apart from the special features, the higher price of these car keys is also informed by their limited availability.

3. Duplication Machine Used

Some key duplication machines will not deliver the required level of precision when producing the key cuts that form the key's bitting. Again, the type of machine used will influence the complexity of the duplication process, and by extension, how much time it takes to complete the key duplication. The more complex the process, the more the service cost.

You can choose to go for a cheaper service that uses cheaper machines, but you can never be too confident about the quality and longevity of the duplicate. A trusted locksmith will invest in the most efficient key duplication machine that can handle even the most advanced key designs.

Ask a locksmith, and they'll tell you there is no standard to key duplication costs. How much you pay will depend on who you choose, your key type, and the machine used. Contact a locksmith in your area for more information on your specific key duplication needs and for a more accurate quote on pricing.